Sunday, 9 June 2013

More problems....

So this week I took it easy. My knee was definitely tender from the work done at the chiropractor's. I did 1500m easy swim on Wednesday, 1000m easy swim and biked to and from the pool on Friday and today (Sunday) I went for a 20min easy jog. My knee bothered me a little during the swims and yesterday during the day, but today during the run it felt good and nothing really noticeable after the run so far. The thing concerning me the most right now is my foot. During my run, at the 10min mark, the ball of my foot started to hurt, kind of like I had a rock in it. I thought maybe it was just cramping or something so I stopped for a second, but it didn't seem to go away so I made sure to tread lightly and run on the soft stuff on the way back. It has only gotten worse since the run and it is kind of scaring me because I know a lot of people end up getting diagnosed with stress fractures or something similar when they have foot problems. Luckily I have a chiro appointment tomorrow so hopefully he could see if anything is wrong. Why can't my body just cooperate. All I want to do is race.

Until next time,
Matt Mahaffy

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